Zdenek Stybar: “High hopes for the end of the season”

10/08/2019 - Riders

Brian Holm: Tinker, bricklayer, cyclist, politician

21/06/2019 - #WayToRide

Meet Kevin Daems – our team’s chef


Davide Bramati and the Giro d’Italia


Meet Yankee – our Italian cowboy


Philippe Gilbert: “My goal is to win a big Classic”

21/03/2019 - Riders

Elia Viviani: “I feel similar if not even better than I did last season”

17/03/2019 - Riders

Tim Declercq – The “Tractor” who climbed a mountain and won a jersey

25/02/2019 - Riders

Kasper Asgreen: “First year with the team – unreal, incredible, beyond words!”

22/02/2019 - Talents

Eros Capecchi: “Happy to continue with the Wolfpack!”

23/12/2018 - Riders

Petr Vakoč: Back to the pack in 100 days

05/11/2018 - Riders