Omega Pharma - Quick-Step Cycling Team rider Serge Pauwels made a four rider escape group at the 178.4km Stage 5 of Tour de Suisse, getting an initial 52" gap at the 19km mark and staying away until 24km remained in the stage. The parcour included two Category 4 climbs in a two-lap, 26.5km finishing circuit: The Loorweg (1.8km 5.9%) and the Zurzibergstrasse (1.4km, 5.9%).

The peloton was able to keep things together for a bunch sprint finale once they caught Pauwels and his breakmates within those climbs. Headed into the finish it became highly unorganized near the front as leadout trains went back and forth trying to get ideal position. OPQS was able to work its way near the front despite the chaos.

The final 500m was flat with a slight incline. Alexander Kristoff (Katusha) launched up the middle inside the final 200 meters and was able to stay ahead for the victory. Peter Sagan (Cannondale) was 2nd, and Arnaud Demare (FDJ) 3rd. Peter Velits was the top OPQS finisher, in 14th place.

OPQS looks next to a medium mountain, 187.9km Stage 6 on Thursday.

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