Etixx - Quick-Step has announced the selection that will participate in Driedaagse de Panne - Koksijde, a 539.2km race from March 31st until April 2nd. The race includes 201.6km Stage 1, with 13 Belgian climbs (Hellingen) along the parcours from De Panne to Zottegem, but the race then descends into the finish. Stage 2 in Zottegem consists of 217.2km of racing, with five hellingen in the middle of the parcours including the Kemmelberg, but a local circuit of three laps and an undulating final kilometers before a flat finish. Finally, Stage 3a and 3b on the same day include a 111.4km Stage 3a with plenty of ups and downs, but the race has ended in a sprint in past years. Stage 3b, a 14.2km ITT, is far from simplistic. The seaside time trial could include wind as a factor and the parcours features several out-and-backs, with roundabouts connecting them.

The selection if Etixx - Quick-Step includes Iljo Keisse, winner of Ronde van Zeeland Seaports, Yves Lampaert, winner of Driedaagse van West Vlaanderen overall, Fabio Sabatini, Julien Vermote, Mark Renshaw, and the defending overall winner Guillaume Van Keirsbulck.