Etixx - Quick-Step rider Julian Alaphilippe finished 19th in 205.4km De Brabantse Pijl - La Flèche Brabançonne on Wednesday, after trying to chase down eventual solo winner Ben Hermans (BMC Racing Team). Alaphilippe made it into a select chase group following an attack by Philippe Gilbert (BMC Racing Team) with only a few kilometers remaining. Hermans had just left behind his break mate David Tanner (IAM Cycling) with 3.6km to go. Hermans had only a small gap as he headed onto the Schavei with 1.2km to go. The Schavei was the last of five climbs, which were ascended on each lap of a 24.3km, 3-lap local circuit.

Alaphilippe tried to attack out of the chase group, but was unable to close the gap. Michael Matthews (Orica-GreenEDGE) finished 2nd, and Gilbert 3rd.

Petr Vakoc and Julien Vermote both entered into different chase groups in the last kilometers, as the team did their best to try and bring the breakaway back before the finish of the race. Gianni Meersman finished 26th.

Yves Lampaert and Nikolas Maes crashed, but both without consequences.

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