Etixx - Quick-Step rider Rigoberto Uran finished 11th (+6") in the uphil finale of the 190km Giro d'Italia Stage 12 on Thursday. The finish was hectic, and eventually won by Philippe Gilbert (BMC Racing Team) going over the top of a solo attacking Tanel Kangert (Astana), and winning by 3" over Alberto Contador (Tinkoff-Saxo) and Diego Ulissi (Lampre-Merida).

Uran tried an attack after the race came back together inside 19.2km to go, and a select group of GC contenders went with him as well as his teammate David De La Cruz. However, that move was brought back with 16.4km to go.

Franco Pellizotti (Androni Giocattoli) then went on the attack with 15.5km to go in the medium mountain stage, but was eventually bridged to by Kangert with 5.6km to go. De La Cruz and Uran remained together in the maglia rosa group as it continued to reduce in number going into the final few kilometers of the stage. The duo had just 20" going into the final kilometer, and Kangert decided to go solo before he was caught and passed by Gilbert, and then the maglia rosa group.

Contador gained 6 bonus seconds due to his 2nd place finish, and was 3" ahead of other riders in the maglia rosa group as it crossed with small gaps. He now leads Fabio Aru (Astana) by 17" in the GC, and Mikel Landa (Astana) by 55 seconds. Uran remains 6th GC, 2'19" down on Contador.
Etixx - Quick-Step looks next to 147km Stage 13 on Friday, which is a flat stage prior to the 59.4km ITT on Saturday, which could be decisive for the GC.

"It was a difficult stage in the final 50 kilometers," Uran said. "The speed was high and the wind played a factor as well. The downhills were technical and a bit dangerous due to the slippery ground from the rain. So I decided to stay near the front and not take risks. The team worked perfectly today and they put me in great position for the first climb. There were also crosswinds, so we had to pay attention. As for the finale, it was hectic. This kind of finish is meant more for guys like Gilbert and he deserved the victory today. I tried to hang on to not lose time. I am happy that this stage is behind us. Physically, I felt OK, even if not 100 percent from my crash yesterday. I had pain in my shoulder and neck muscles and the rain didn't help the situation. Tomorrow they also forecast rain, so it will be important to stay vigilant in the front. We will see what can happen."