Etixx – Quick-Step rider Mark Cavendish underwent surgery this morning on his left shoulder, to fix a partial tear of his left AC ligament suffered as consequence of the crash during the 6th stage of Aviva Tour of Britain. This was the opposite shoulder to the one damaged at Le Tour de France in 2014.

The surgery, performed by Prof. Lennard Funk at 52 Alderley Road in Wilslow was successful.

Unfortunately, due to the time of recovery needed, Cavendish will not return to competition this year.

"It has been a very difficult decision," Cavendish said about choosing to have surgery. "However, after 10 days from the crash, I still had pain and I couldn't lift or pull much weight. I tried to ride my bike a few days ago on the road, but I could not put any power out by pulling on the handlebars. The surgery was necessary to avoid any problems in the near future. I'm so disappointed to end the season like this. The UCI World Championships and Abu Dhabi Tour were two important objectives for the end of my season. But there's nothing I can do now except take a period of rest, and then start with intensive rehab. I wish Etixx – Quick-Step and the British National Team all the best for the next races."