Omega Pharma – Quick-Step Cycling Team was really active during stage 6 of Le Tour de Langkawi. Andrew Fenn was involved in an early breakaway and once he was caught Serge Pauwels, Michal Golas and Pieter Serry – who crashed hard yesterday - took over.

The three OPQS riders were in a group of 16 riders which opened a 2 minutes lead. From that group Tom Leezer (Blanco) attacked in the final kilometres. The Dutchman put down a nice solo and took the stage win. Golas finished 3rd behind Ji Min Jung (KSPO).

"It was a particular race today, covering 217km at an average speed of 48km/h," Sports Director Rik Van Slycke said. "We were very aggressive. Even Serry, who crashed yesterday, got into the final breakaway at 25km to go. Our team was represented by three riders: Golas, Serry and Pauwels. At 6km before the finish Golas attacked with four other riders. In the final Leezer attacked and broke out ahead alone. Golas finished 3rd under torrential rain that followed the riders for the last 20km of the race. There was 30cm of water on the road! The team did a great job today. We will try to be protagonists again tomorrow to go for a stage win."